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Læs mere om de fire add-on kurser

Pakken med disse fire e-kurser koster 5.950 kr. ekskl. moms (du kan også købe dem enkeltvis for 2.000 kr. ekskl. moms stykket). Skriv til Mille på


Kursus #1: Stakeholder Engagement & Creating Sustainable Change

Building and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders such as customers, employees, investors, and local communities, and engaging them in the sustainability efforts of the organization, is key to driving real sustainable change!

You will have hands-on tools, models, and  perspectives on how to use change management on sustainability. You will learn to use storytelling to engage all the different stakeholders, from employees to top management, enabling you to drive sustainable change within the organization.

Underviser: Sine Klitgaard Møller, Sustainability Transformation Director hos LEGO



Kursus #2: Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility integrates social and environmental concerns in your company’s operations and interactions with your stakeholders. It involves going beyond legal obligations to manage the impact on society and the environment, aiming for a positive contribution to society while achieving economic success.

Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals form a framework to secure living wages, human rights, health and safety at the workplace, and reduce corruption. You will familiar with how you operate in a socially sustainable way as a responsible workplace involved in global business — and how you mitigate negative footprints and give back more to society than you take.

Underviser: Annette Spanggaard, Director of CSR hos Coca-Cola



Kursus #3: Sustainable Supply Chain

The Fourth Industrialization has a transformative impact on today’s supply chains, which need to be built more resilient and agile to withstand a multitude of sudden shocks.

You will learn about supply chain models and tools to adopt sustainable practices from sourcing to end consumption.

During this course, the lecturer visits the headquarters of Carlsberg, the 6th biggest brewery in the world, and we learn about their thoughts and initiatives regarding their sustainable supply chain.

Underviser: Annette Spanggaard, Director of CSR hos Coca-Cola



Kursus #4: Climate Accounting (Carbon Footprint)

Climate accounting, also referred to as carbon accounting or greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting, is the process of quantifying, tracking, reporting, and verifying GHG emissions. It’s a vital aspect of climate change mitigation efforts as it provides organizations, governments, and individuals with accurate data on their carbon footprints, enabling them to devise strategies to reduce their environmental impact.

You will learn what climate accounting is and how it is related to the greenhouse effect, and why climate accounting is more important now than ever. You will also get an overview of the standard for climate accounting in accordance with the internationally recognized Greenhouse Gas Protocol. You will learn a practical approach to climate accounting for businesses in six steps.

Underviser:Mie Ryberg Rasmussen, CEO hos Sustainable Impacters




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