What is the donut model?

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Mini MBA i Sustainability Management

What is the donut model?

The donut model is a framework for sustainable development that was created by economist Kate Raworth in 2012. The model visualizes the concept of planetary boundaries and social boundaries, and how they interact with each other to create a “safe and just space for humanity” within which we can thrive.

The donut model consists of two concentric circles: the inner circle represents the social foundation, which includes the minimum standards for human well-being such as access to food, water, healthcare, and education. The outer circle represents the ecological ceiling, which includes the planetary boundaries that we must not exceed in order to maintain a stable and habitable planet.

Between these two circles lies the “safe and just space for humanity,” represented by the donut shape. This space is where human well-being can be achieved without compromising the stability of the planet. The goal of sustainable development is to ensure that all people have access to the resources they need to live well within this safe and just space.

The donut model is a useful tool for policymakers, businesses, and individuals to assess their impact on the environment and society and identify areas where they can improve their sustainability performance. It provides a clear visual representation of the interconnectedness of social and environmental issues and emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to sustainable development.

Learn more: Mini MBA in Sustainability Management

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